NYC Will Reinstate Jobs & Back-Pay to Fired Workers

NYC Will Reinstate Jobs & Back-Pay to Fired Workers

NYC Will Reinstate Jobs & Back-Pay to Fired Workers

A Staten Island Supreme Court Justice has ordered the city’s officials to restore more than 1,000 fired employees their jobs back with full back pay, effective as of 6am Tuesday, October 25, 2022, after they were terminated for refusing the COVID19 vaccine. This coming after 16 former New York State Sanitation Department workers filed a lawsuit after being let go from their positions earlier this year due to their unwillingness to get the “jab”.

‘Though the Board of Health has the power to regulate vaccinations and adopt measures to reduce the spread of infectious diseases… the Board of Health does not have the authority to unilaterally and indefinitely change the terms of employment for any agency.’

Well, this seems just as it has been the great sentiment that most were being forced to take the vaccine; a vaccine that was not proven absolute as infections could still occur even with the administration of it. A vaccine that was pushed upon the general public way too soon without proper vetting of long term side effects. Some would say, it was as if the government or those calling the shots were coaxing for the general public to having blind faith as to the efficacy of the antidote when there is only one source worthy of that.

Judge Ralph Porzio ruled that the vaccination mandate that was issued shortly after the dispensation of the COVID19 virus is unconstitutional, stating that former city Health Commissioner David Choksi ‘overstepped his authority’ with the execution of said vaccination mandates back in October 2021. Of the 1,750 workers who were fired, this number included about 850 teachers and classroom aides; some of these terminations happening just last month with religious exemptions holding no merit whatsover. Porzio ruled that Choksi was selective in who would fall under mandate jurisdiction as athletes and performers were excluded per an executive order.

“If mandates were about safety and public health, no one would be exempt,”

Staten Island Supreme Court Justice Ralph Porzio
wrote Porzio

NYC will reinstate jobs and back pay to these fired workers. Looks like retribution for New York workers, and you can bet that other states are sure to follow suit. Although, not without a fight as the city’s legal Department is already appealing the decision as we speak “disagreeing strongly with Porzio’s ruling, claiming that the mandate is firmly grounded in the law and is critical to New Yorkers’ public health.”

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