The 2023 Asbury Revival

The 2023 Asbury Revival

The 2023 Asbury Revival

What do you get in a room of believers who are truly on one accord? A revival! .

Nine days and counting, the Asbury Revival at Christian college Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky has been making headlines. It now has its own Wikipedia page. From what was a few students camping in after a weekly chapel service on February 8th is now movement. A movement made up of predominantly Gen Z’s with growing attention by the day. They have yet to relent in their efforts to pray and worship, grossing over 3,000 attendees and counting, it is now a call of God meant to be answered by the Saints.

The burden for prayer has been laid for those who are sensitive to the spirit, and you might say, some have been caught. The desperation for a change has sparked as people have traveled from out of state, even internationally to take part in this marvelous event of prayer. Social media has made a major part in publicizing and drawing the growing crowd, it has been noted that television and news crews were refused to enter.

When might you say is a dire need for prayer?

Well the big book says everyday, that we are to pray without secession, without ceasing. The times in which we currently face, if you are paying attention, calls for much more than endless prayer. It calls for power, and the power of a prayer where two or more are gathered. Revival. will surely bring on a resurgence of change.

Years ago, in February 1970, Asbury University attracted similar attention with their first revival without the help of social media platforms, lasting about 144 hours. And the tide is churning as other Christian schools around the nation too, have taken form joining the motion. An inspiration for all believers to pick up their mantle and get to travailing.

All are welcome to join in on this call to pray amongst the bredren. From your homes, your own local church, wherever you may find yourself, take part today. The times are perilous and only one can save us, seek His face now and pray as you are led.

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