A World Void of The Word

Group seeks to ban Bible from schools over sexual content | Fresno Bee

A World Void of The Word

Group seeks to ban Bible from schools over sexual content | Fresno Bee

A World Void of The Word

Group seeks to ban Bible from schools over sexual content | Fresno Bee

Imagine! A world where the Bible could be violently stripped from your hands, removed from your homes; deleted from your devices. Every trace of the word of Yahweh could be extracted from the internet. And, those who can quote it are forced into silence. What is a world void of the word of God? It is first a world void of freedom of speech.

Mark Zuckerberg says Meta was 'pressured' by Biden administration to censor Covid-related content in 2021 | CNN Business

Meta boss, Mark Zuckerberg recently disclosed that with deep regret, he allowed the pressures of certain government officials to overcome him to “censor certain Covid-19 content” from his Facebook and Instagram platforms during the pandemic. During the pandemic, Facebook users were bombarded with ‘misinformation alerts’, warnings, and even demotions. Discussions having to do with covid vaccines and their origins, and presidential campaign-related stories were extracted due to a form of bullying by the White House. Zuckerberg, who seems almost bitter, now admits to compromising the standards of his content; however affirms to push back if a threat should come again.

Is this a win for free speech?

It’s a start. But we have bigger fish to fry.

With the invention of smart phones and apps like the bible app, having the word of God at your fingertips might soon be a thing of the past. Restrictions and censorship tactics remove the rights of free speech from platforms such as Zuckerbergs and countless of others. With the way things have been going, our freedom of religion may soon be appropriated next. Imagine having to hide leafs of paper with your favorite, most cherished and comforting scriptures. Not being able to witness to the man or woman on the corner whom the Spirit has led you to share the good news. Keep the word of God hidden in your heart. This directive has never made more sense with the exclusion and forced attempts to slowly delete the traces of the Most High from the minds of people, even those to be considered unbelievers.

As it stands, there are up to 50 countries where the possession of the bible is either highly illegal, or of restricted use with offenders facing capital punishment. In Morocco, there is no free public distribution of non-Muslim materials. Christians face persecution having to practice their faith in extreme secrecy in Somalia. Forbidden from observing openly in Libya. In Maldives, owning a bible is considered a capital offense. The Chinese communist party has placed a ban on online bible downloads, ripping the word from bookshops. In North Korea, a totalitarian state where citizens are forced to worship the nations leader, even the Quran is banned. Saudi Arabia has no freedom of religion in the country whatsoever, public practice or intention to convert is illegal. Yemen. Afghanistan. These nations and a growing number of others are already persecuting Christians for their beliefs.

Closer to home in the USA, some states consider the use of the word of God as hate speech, further encouraging their cause for a ban. The act of quoting Scripture in defense of biblical marriage, sexuality and other Christian views can be considered criminal in some regions. The agenda behind silencing those who have something to say regarding the good news is a cunning tactic. A tactic used to control what is shared amongst the masses. A tactic that is defended at every turn. They will say it is a “responsible action to protect the public”.

Without the word, there would be an order in which would be amissed.

The standard that all have taken from to some extent, whether believer or unbeliever, would no longer exist. There would be anarchy. We make light of the newer generations being greatly ignorant to certain figures of the past, imagine the vast of our youth not having any idea of who Jesus is. And then those who do know and are called to teach, locked away. This is a battle that the enemy gladly wants because he thinks he can win.

Time is no longer on our side, it is only a matter of it. So when you are admonished to ‘keep the word close to your heart’, this is an appeal to the believer to read the word, study the word, apply it, know it, live it. Speak it. Share it. Embody it. For if and when the day comes, you will be able to stand the tests of time. The word will be all you have.

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