Heaven And Hell Is A Choice

Heaven And Hell Is A Choice

Heaven And Hell Is A Choice

I wouldn’t try to overcomplicate this. Heaven and hell is a choice. You can have it however you really want it.

However, if a person rejects Jesus they get to go to hell and live with their father the devil for eternity.

(John 8:44)

It’s easy for me to say, give it all up for Jesus. But I too, took some time to get to this place. There was a lot of me exploiting in self gratification, my wants, my way, me, me, me. I took my precious time; and while I was wasting time in the lap of sin & luxury, I was wasting time. And if not for grace, I might not have had a chance.

I just remember that part in the Bible when the devil attempted to tempt Jesus, taking him to the top of the mountain to show him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; promising that he would give Jesus all of it if only Jesus would fall down and worship him.

Now, this doesn’t sound too far off from what I had depicted in my own imagination of what my life could be. With the decisions of my life leading me in one direction or another, I had to truly dissect. There are no three ways about this, it’s either one way or another.

Heaven or hell? It’s your choice.

What I see a lot of today is people taking Jesus for granted, like He is some love-sick puppy just sitting by the door waiting for you to come home. Like He is some third wheel. And I know it when I see it because I use to do it. I was the queen of it. Parties, clubs, alcohol, sex, weed, meanwhile leaving the prayer for later. A lifestyle emphatically contrary to Him. I never read the word beyond a scripture from my daily devotional; and most days I didn’t even get to it. Too preoccupied for Jesus, while hoping that He would never be too busy for me. Based on the routes one chooses to take determines the paths in which we will subsequently end up, and I hate to sound redundant when I say it once again that heaven and hell is a choice. Our choices are results, they are consequences, they are results.

I will have to answer for those choices one day.

Conviction is a scary thing; even more when you don’t have any. Having no regard for the wrong you have done, living a peaceful life of sin. Unbothered, and not a care in the world. Making up your own notions, your own definitions; but you are only fooling yourselves. The ways of this world have long been in rotation, whether in secret or for the open, there is nothing new under the sun. And the punishment has long been the same, God has not changed.

All that I am here to tell you is that the victory has already been won, and the ultimate price has been paid. Eternity in Heaven can be yours if you really want it. Before it’s too late, it is now time for you to throw your hand in the ring. Show and prove.

Believing in Jesus means that you will follow Him. Trust Him. Taking that step onto the water by a show of faith and knowing that He won’t let you drown. Confessing with your heart, not just your lips. Putting your wants aside and picking up your cross as Jesus did. Picture this: Jesus throwing down the heavy cross, relieving himself from the agony of having to drag it down that path to Calvary, let alone being strung up and pinned to it. In pain, while onlookers scoffed; the very ones he was sent to save.

If you are reading this, here is your chance to be saved; a chance to change. In more relateable terms, transformation is like when you get a gym membership and begin to build up on your reps. If you are consistent and willing, the evidence of your efforts should eventually peak. Have you ever noticed someone who speaks of living in the gym but the proof isn’t there? They do just enough to survive but not nearly enough to see the transfigurations. Change is the name of the game.

Heaven and hell is a choice, a decision, and it is yours to make.

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