Fortify the City

Fortify the City

Fortify the City

Hi Friends! Welcome to Fortify the City – an empowerment and enlightenment blog & podcast platform.

New to the game? Kinda-sorta. We began our plight a few years ago as a weekly podcast, then ventured into the YouTube space, and now we are here. Three seasons in, we have been on a bit of a hiatus from the weekly show, hence the prime opportunity to get the blog up and going; I like to talk way too much to be quiet for so long. Bringing it all together with a whole new experience – a one stop shop of everything to help you get fortified; whether it’s your community, your home, family, body, mind and spirit – you name it.

Times ahead has always been a mystery, but preparation is key when up against the unknown. How do you prepare for the unknown, you ask? There is no psychic or medium who can help you do that.

I would start with a in-depth self check. Where are you right now, in the aspect of mindset, career, goals, spiritual walk and all that concerns you? Followed by another simple question: where do you want to be? And if you’re like who I once was, the answer to that question can be a little difficult to voice.

How I came to Fortify the City wasn’t a very easy road. I will say this, the vision became clearer once I drew nearer to Christ, or once He drew nearer to me, rather. I guess He was always there waiting for me to inquire more, and once I did, the puzzle started to come together little by little. Nevermind my life at the time turning upside down following my decision to delve back into my Christian roots in January 2017, because that’s what He does. He gets to shaking things up like the puzzle pieces being thrown out of the box before assembly. The good news is, however complex, those puzzle pieces all connect into one big picture. It’s like destiny. And depending on the level and amounts of pieces required to solve the puzzle, it is going to take some strategy and a very keen eye.

So, let’s get to work; let’s fortify the city.

A weekly empowerment & enlightenment forum examining the most intricate ideologies, fallacies, current hot topics of pop culture, and health + fitness talk through the microscopic lens of an OD Christian. Bridging the gap.

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