How Can One Sell Their Soul?

How Can One Sell Their Soul?

How Can One Sell Their Soul?

I read something in Hosea 12:1, that reminded me of the conversation concerning folks ‘selling their soul’. Naysayers love to make it some convoluted thing like that is so poposterous, as they don’t know what they are being accused of. It’s fake though. It’s meant to confuse you. Like, what does that mean, how can one sell their soul? Those are the details that most overlook in the fine print.

Don’t be perplexed! There is no gray area here.

It really is a thing, but it’s not so cut and dry. Reason to always remain vigilant. You will know them by their fruit. Typically, the topic of one selling their soul is intentionally laughed off and then deflected from. It’s strategy. There is the type to create sacrificial altars and take on a more dark appearance and/or artform to convey their worship. The transformation from light to dark can be quite evident if you look closely. While these do exist, some may not necessarily go on their knees and pray directly to the devil.

Similar to how Christians will receive direction or take Godly counsel from our God or ordained leaders as to our earthly assignments, the latter will too activley seek their warrant to do a thing. Essentially, what they are doing is making covenants with evil corporations, who get their direction or inspiration from the ruler of this world. They are saying,

“Okay, I’ll do this in exchange for fame, in exchange for money, notoriety. I will perpetuate drug culture, or whoredom, promiscuity, murder, etc to those who are impressionable and easily led, or those who lack knowledge.”

Then they will scream it and glorify it according to the agenda of whoever is leading them. And as long as they are staying true to those terms, that covenant, the powers that be will make sure that they get what they want. And the person who is most successful at doing said things, gets the bigger bag. They get to call themselves the king or queen. And rightfully so, the ‘dirty work’ was done in order to attain those thrones.

So when you decide to follow these people, you buy into their music or their art. By this, you are coming into agreement with the covenant that they made. However melodic or catchy, it’s like a net to which you have been caught. An open door that you entered. You are worshipping their god along with them. And yes, it is that serious.

The scripture says “the people chase destruction, and multiply falsehood and violence”. – Hosea 12:1

In your mind, you truly believe yourself to be a follower of Christ, but you are also willingly giving offerings to the devil by way of these evil corporations. When purchasing their merch, and music, or sharing their message, promoting it on your radios or your sound systems, feeding it to your kids, polluting the atmosphere with it, etc, but again, still proclaiming Christ, Yeshua, that’s serving two masters. But the Bible says that you can’t serve two. So what are you really doing? You’ve got to choose!

See, before his name was changed to Israel, Jacob was considered a deceitful man. The Bible said that God was going to punish Jacob according to his ways, and repay him for his deeds. But then later it says that Jacob fought with the Angel of the Lord but then surrendered. He wept and sought help from God that he would be a better man. He repented to no end. Because He knew, there was no beating God. He couldn’t have God and still remain the same ole deceitful Jacob. Things would have to change.

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