I Suffered A Loss

a downtrodded state.

I Suffered A Loss

a downtrodded state.

I Suffered A Loss

a downtrodded state.

Yesterday, I suffered a loss.

It was devastating, debilitating. Heartbreaking. A feeling of being trapped within a block overwhelmed me. No where to turn, my enemy seemed to have defeated me. Stranded in a place of rage, I wanted to scream. I wanted to act out badly and break everything. Looking around for something to shatter as my heart sored. Instead, I took a breath, and I didn’t allow the enemy to catch me.

I thought of Moses.

How he tarried with the Israelites for many years in route to the Promised Land. With the road somewhat unknown, the site ahead, he would never forget. And his navigation, only coming from the voice of the Lord. But due to a growing frustration and distrust, Moses would lose heart. This displeased God, and as a consequence, he never got to reach his destination.

So, yes! I suffered a loss, but I would not lose heart.

I suppose his resentment were on account of the amount of time it took in the journey. A decrease in patience. Loss of faith. The momentum in which he started with withered away. A disappointment to God. The test is only victorious when your hope is sustained.

When they cast thee down, thou shalt say, There is lifting up; And the humble person he will save.

Job 22:29

Always looking for a case, our adversary throws arrows that are often the cause of our negative reactions. The ones that tend to lead to unwanted results – delays. It is easy to lash out and curse God when things don’t go the way we expect them to. This is the slight that shorts us the victory. It’s a show of qualm with the Creator, as if He does not know the best way. And in the midst of suffering loss, it is easy to forget that vital piece of the good fruit. Self control. And a lack of it becomes the snare.

Graciously, the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, and mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning.

Things happen. And you may suffer loss. But try your absolute best not to lose heart.

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