All Or Nothing: Ex AKA Dajanay DTonyo Talks Denouncing Membership To Black Greek Organization PART I

All Or Nothing: Ex AKA Dajanay DTonyo Talks Denouncing Membership To Black Greek Organization PART I

All Or Nothing: Ex AKA Dajanay DTonyo Talks Denouncing Membership To Black Greek Organization PART I

With following Christ, it’s “all or nothing”, there’s no two sides to it, no compromising; sorry to say, you can’t have it both ways.

The bible says in Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Fellow YouTuber Dajanay DTonyo talks being ‘ten toes down‘ for Jesus, the Divine Nine, and shares her story & testimony on why she made the decision to formerly denounce her membership from black Greek organization, the AKA’s.

PART ONE breaks down the hype of Dajanay’s pledging process, the rituals, and what it was like crossing over as an AKA; the acts of manipulation, deception and the pain caused by her subordinates, and how contrary she later realized it was for a Christian to partake in any of it.

Follow Dajanay DTonyo on her Instagram or @Kingdom.Convos.

And, be sure to visit her YouTube page as well.

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