Divided States of America (Not Yet United)

Divided States of America (Not Yet United)

Divided States of America (Not Yet United)

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

We all have a responsibility to protect our children from the dangers of the world.  You want them to be happy; you want them to be successful; you want them to be safe, and to feel safe! Your hope is that they will have long life and have the opportunity, opportunities to represent you well, one day.

As children of God, and as parents for that matter, are we doing that?  As citizens of America, are we doing that? As our brother/sisters keepers, are we doing that?  The chances that our parents or you as a parent prays that your children will grow up to be hateful is not even a first thought I’m sure, but at what point, does that detestable thing creep in? But a different question, when do we put a stop to it?  When do we turn back all those incorrect things that we have been taught, those things that have mentally crippled us as a people? Do we care?

Consequences don’t just become results, they are the results.

In America, the core to our problems has always been division.  How quickly we go to creating barriers between each other based on some exterior factor, then turn around and say that all men are created equal….yup, we are created equal, on the inside. And the inside is what counts.  It is so much the innate nature of a human to pick a side, a favorite, pick a team.  Friendly competitions are rare.  Everyone is out to prove how much better they are than you.  Because of Ego, jealousy, boasting creeps in; and once that happens, it’s over – here comes the fighting, here comes the separation and the divisive talk.  But the plot thickens.  Mans wicked habit of covetousness and greed sets in, we are no longer who God called.

Jesus Christ was considered a threat to the Pharisees due to His confidence, fearlessness, his outspoken voice, and disregard to their man-made laws.  But there is a similar story here.  When we talk about cycles, you have to understand that these things stem deep.

The United States of America was established in June 1776,  the initial attempts to absolve the 13 original colonies from all allegiance to British rule.  This need to be free was very much a thing for those who enslaved those from Africa too.  Due to the growing division between Great Britain and its American colonies, this lit the match to the American Revolutionary War.  The United States of America had to unify in order to come up against the giant that is Great Britain, with the help of its African slaves.  That’s what once made us great, when we unified.  The giants we have ahead of us, we will have to unify once again – but this time, forevermore.  No more adhering to old ways and old sins. Check yourself!

I can’t tell you how happy I’ve been to see the coming together of the two groups in these last few days, just the way God had ordained, for the two to be one and at peace.  The reason why Jesus willfully bared the pain.

Ephesians 2: 14-16 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.

Fellow citizens should not be clashing, the word is clear.

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