This week, I had to be brutally honest with myself and admit that I wasn’t spending enough time with God.
Walking in Christ is not easy, and how many of us can admit that we aren’t doing this thing right? ?????? It all starts with making and giving Him more of our time!
As high as my aspirations and desires are with regards to where I see my position to be in the Kingdom, do I actually deserve any position at all? Am I doing as much as I should? Am I dedicating enough personal time between the one whom I call my Savior?
What is my end-goal with lifting up prayers to the Most High; is it just to say that I did it because the Bible encourages it? More than half the time, we tend to seek God with questions and concerns, but then never give him the chance to respond back to us with the answers. It’s like we say what we have to say, then bam, we’re out. That is hardly the way to build a good relationship, let alone a friendship.
Did it ever occur to you that God might want to share his feelings or thoughts with us too? We can’t sit with him long enough to even know what He wills for us, so into our own desires, wants and to-do’s.
I can admit to wanting more from God, and I can also admit to not doing nearly enough to deserve it. And then the other question, am I only interacting with Him because of what he can do for me? Hmmm.
There are many of us who put out whether it’s prayer or bodies of work and tie it to the faith for credit or even profit, but don’t actually have a real relationship with God established. And that is, so not who I want to be. I repent.