The Righteous Outlaw

The Righteous Outlaw

The Righteous Outlaw

Have you ever seen the image of the two fish, one in a fish bowl and one swimming free in the open water? Signifying the life of one committed to religion (the fish in the bowl) and the other fish living a life free & spiritual.

The metaphor comparing the life of one who would be considered religious and one to be spiritual heads the movement today among many.  Steering away folks from God & religion, and instead choosing a life of a mere outlaw and calling it spirituality, a growing majority look at religion as a box that leaves hardly any room for self expression and freedom; a constraint full of strict, old laws that people are desperately trying to break away from.

When studying the life of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ and how he came up in the ranks during His day, I have come to fully believe that Jesus was in fact that first Outlaw to break away from the religiosity of religion as it outright took away from what God intended, receiving the Good News.

Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

But while breaking away and setting the people free, Jesus never intended to do away entirely with religion as He meant to set things straight, and create a new order that is Christianity.

Take a quick listen to this week’s discussion as we crush those notions of Jesus & Christianity being like a caged box.

In Jesus, we are set free from the confines of that fish bowl.


  • Holy Bible

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