With the death of Ahmaud Arbery breaking news a few weeks ago, there is a familiar resonance of outrage among black people in America. People are mad all over again, history continues to repeat itself.
Will Gregory and Travis McMichael ever see their day in court for the death of Ahmaud? The protests and uproar of blacks did lead to an arrest, but how far will that go? And were we, black people, too quick to judgement of the father and son?
Is our anger a little displaced? With all that is being said and those things not being said, it is time for black people to educate themselves on all the facts and not just some of it. Was it a citizens arrest gone wrong or a blatant attempt at another black life? It stinks of past cases like Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland; but not every case is the same.
Now, the investigation is being done with more and more unfolding, some of which we may not like- what do we do about this?
Hosea 4:6 For lack of knowledge, my people perish.
It’s understandable the sentiments felt or shared, but have we been a little overzealous about things? Did we take the time to do some investigating ourselves before picketing?
Historical events fueled by racism, police brutality towards blacks, etc., continues to lead emotions of all watching how this thing will turn out, but while we know that white people can be racists, can black people be racists too?
And with another presidential election on the way, the pandemic COVID-19 halting all campaign efforts, here is another strategy to win our votes: the Ahmaud Arbery case.
James 1:19 Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.
Proverbs 18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.
Be mindful the things you stand to say or do in the midst of anger for you might have to retract them later; and outrage rarely ever leads to sound actions, it sometimes leads to stupid decisions.