Ready For Destination Arrival?

destination arrival

Ready For Destination Arrival?

destination arrival

Ready For Destination Arrival?

destination arrival

Destination arrival takes the reading and studying of a special map.

Before a pilot can touch the skies, one must go through a rigorous study program. From the takeoff, to the landing, honing aircraft control, learning to use good judgement (or wisdom), other aviation tools, practice run after practice run, that and so much more must be engrained ahead of flight. Would you trust your life in the hands of a novice when it comes to being hundreds of feet off the ground? The sound response should be, “Absolutely not!” But we aren’t here to talk about the science of flying planes.

We are here to tackle the measures of destiny and the fundamentals obligatory to getting there. And no, I’m no expert or philosopher of these teachings, as I am one who has been an astute student of these courses and currently testing out every lesson learned. I will say this, the syllabus for life and destiny somewhat parallels that of a pilot. While it does take jumping, it’s not something that you can just jump right into. You must be properly fortified for your destination arrival.

Taking off and landing at the opportune time is key as too early or too late can potentially cause you a great misfortune, not to mention, discouragement ahead of your next assignment. Having control is a skill worth sharpening and maintaining as you go along, it will serve you well when steering in the midst of storms and gloom. Good judgement and wisdom never failed anyone, in fact, it awarded King Solomon great wealth and a full life. And the navigation system to get you through it isn’t something you can purchase in an app store; it’s intuitive, instinctive, making the journey all the more risky and a little scary. However daring the risk, it’s still no excuse to back out or back down.

You must fly.

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