So I’m on this journey to get closer to God, been on the journey, but anyway, I’m on it. On any given day, you may not know where God is trying to take you, but by faith, you go along for the ride and end up somewhere. This morning when I picked up my Bible to commence my daily devotion, I had no idea that He would lead me to be set apart.

You know how they say that one scripture in the Bible has many different divine revelations?

It’s never just one. So that’s encouragement to never stop reading, never think that you know everything there is to know in the word. Because reading it one good time will never equip you fully!

So I’m reading Romans for like the umpteenth time, and boom, first chapter, first verse a revelation. One that I never had before, that inspired this caring session. Because sharing is caring, so here we go.

Romans 1:1 starts off “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God.”


That said a lot. Set apart. Did you know that as a member of the body of Christ, you are set apart? You are to be set apart. An action, a pursuit like walking in the truth. There’s a lot of us who consider ourselves unique, distinct, different, weird, peculiar, special. But special, for what?

You are to be set apart in order to fulfill something, that thing. From your onset, you are given a set of assignments that you are supposed to complete throughout your life. Life isn’t just a party. At least it’s not supposed to be.

How many of us are walking in those callings that we were set apart for?

I know, we don’t always know right away what those assignments or callings are. But it’s up to us to figure it out through frequent consultations with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit. Typically, things don’t just fall into your lap with the expectation that you are supposed to pick it up and run with it. I mean, those things happen, but often times those things are the distractions.

You see, even if you didn’t know, the enemy knows that you are special in your Fathers eyes, called for a reason. And the enemy will do anything to get you off track.

With the Father, everything is intentional.

If you’ve read the word or at least know the fundamentals of it, you should know the ‘don’ts’. So the assignments or callings that you may find yourself doing that are clearly contrary to the Gods word, is a sure indicator of what you should not be doing. Ironically, those things are the ones we hold onto and refuse to let go, even after rebuke. Those are the things that we are willing to lose out on the ‘goodness of God’ for. And that’s the door where pride usually enters in, making it difficult to overturn.

Thankfully, God doesn’t just give up on us. However, the mission doesn’t stop or pause there. It has to keep going, and a willing participant will eventually be found like a replacement at a job you just resigned from. But as long as you keep up the skills, you may find yourself come back around.

Like Apostle Paul, you too are set apart for the gospel of God. Everything else you busy yourself with is vanity. One of the devils sins was his refusal to be what God created him to be, he wanted to be worshipped. You know his story.

What are you doing to help spread the gospel?

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