The Podcast

The Podcast

The Podcast

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Meet the Host

Sadé Graham is a public speaker and podcast host who has delved in the freelance world of journalism and entertainment for 10+ years. Creator of Fortify the City – the Podcast, Sadé has married her love & passion for news & entertainment journalism, people, and Jesus to form her now weekly conversations with intentions to bridge the gap between Christianity and the world one hot topic, fallacy, and ideology, at a time. And presently, venturing into the fitness space, Sadé is adamant at fulfilling her purpose of empowerment and strength training as it all goes together with regards to fortification.

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A weekly empowerment & enlightenment forum examining the most intricate ideologies, fallacies, current hot topics of pop culture, and health + fitness talk through the microscopic lens of an OD Christian. Bridging the gap.

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