The Time Is Now

The Time Is Now

The Time Is Now

Full transparency, it took me about two good months to finally publish this very blog post. I say this all the time, it’s one thing to know a thing, it’s another thing to know what to do with that thing. I think back to all the God-given skills, talents and gifts that I possess, and question what I should do with them in order to make sure that it wasn’t a waste of God’s efforts and vision He had upon His creation of me. Realizing the answer to that was not so easy, however, the answer itself was pretty simple. Just put them to use.

Putting talents and skills to use is easier said than done when you are battling self esteem issues, or feeling a lack of support and internal drive. Mind you, these are the very deterrents that have kept me back for far too long, and it was all self inflicted. The good thing with these struggles is that it doesn’t speak to the impact and potency of your actual skill necessarily, as it does regulate whether or not the world gets to truly experience you and what God has given to you to pour out. The fact is, we are all called to do something important in the life that we are given; it’s not just some of us who are called, but all of us.

Many are called, but few are chosen. ~ Matthew 22:14

If you ask me, the determinant factor which proceeds being chosen is whether or not one actually moves on our gifts, and continues to do so until an impression is made; and even then, the stride keeps going. If God feels that he can depend on you, He will choose you, and He will use you. Don’t delay because of your fears, what you have will mean something to someone because it was divinely intended to.

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