You Will Know Them By Their Fruits

You Will Know Them By Their Fruits

You Will Know Them By Their Fruits

There is a culture that is emerging, changing with the times. A culture fighting for self expression, self praise, and blatant devil worship; a culture totally misaligned with what the word of God instructs. And “Christians” are front row, applauding and awing in their seat. This is the culture as it stands, and you will know them by their fruits.

It should be no secret to Christians, the reason Lucifer was casted out of Heaven. To put it plainly, he wanted fame, to be worshipped. He wanted to compete with the Most High in a thunderous display of game of thrones.

The Bible speaks of Lucifer’s beauty and his exceptional talent; if the devil were nominated for a Grammy, he would win every single one of them. In fact, the broadcast wouldn’t be called “the Grammys”, it would be called “the devil” because thats what ‘the Grammy’s’ are, a competition for the devils throne. And anyone who sips a cup of it is, well…playing with hellfire, literally and figuratively. Artists work their entire lives to make the devils stage, they pay homage and worship while dressed in brand names.

As the Cultural Activist that I believe myself to be, I realize that the culture I am fighting for no longer exists, slowly disappearing to the abyss. Or did it ever? For sure, it is now a blatant detestation for everything that is to be considered righteous or holy.

Without holiness, no one will see the Lord.

The culture is no longer even attempting to follow a narrow path, but has opened itself up with the widest mouth meant to swallow. And they that consume it, love every nefarious thing that is thrown into it. No longer striving for for the best fit, but rather the unclean lifestyle that is now the respect pushed in order to attain acclaim.

They do these things and call it art. Okay – yes, it is art. Art which is painted on canvas’s, televisions, vision boards made for purchase or meant to consume then planted on walls or platforms to be revered, to be respected, to groom. But tell me, how does a Christian come to respect art such as this?

“You will know them by their fruits.”

Or in Eve’s case in her decision to be lured and enticed before eating the reddest apple.

Image Credit: Getty Images

There is nothing new under the Sun. These things are history repeating itself, and we are looking at the the overtaking by Babylon. Some will choose to remain strong and locked in the faith, and others will choose the other way. A great divide and conquer, but trust, those that chose a particular side will be destroyed along with the god they sought to follow.

“…but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel will gain it. For what does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul.”

Make no mistake, my fight is not for the culture that is known today. This is not what culture is. This is a diabolical reform. When they say, “we do it for the culture,” you must ask, ‘what is it’ and ‘who do they do it for’?

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