The Chosen Ones Must Put On

Creator: NiseriN

The Chosen Ones Must Put On

Creator: NiseriN

The Chosen Ones Must Put On

Creator: NiseriN

Part Two. In teams, there are set colors. A uniform. There are traits and behaviors. Members are encouraged to take on what their coaches have taught them in order to win. Players are given a strategy that they are expected to learn. And the ones who don’t perform these practices, tend to not make it very far in the game. The chosen ones though, must put on.

It is a mandate. A requirement. The standard of being one of the “chosen ones” is quite slim as such is the narrow path.

For small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life. Matthew 7:14

Christians, there is a distinct criteria that we must make note of in our day to day. A code. The Bible refers to it as walking in the Spirit. For if you are walking in the Spirit, it is unlikely that you will go astray. And those who do not walk in the Fathers statutes but choose and celebrate otherwise, can question whether they possess the Spirit at all.

Put on then, as Gods chosen ones… Colossians 3:12

Now clothed in compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, bearing with one another, and forgiveness. As for the flesh, it is to be expunged like a sun tan that has faded away. Revealing the true nature of the person, and no longer the facade. However, many prefer the facade. After so long, the guise becomes embedded. And if too far gone, without repentence, brings on the wrath of God.

When you say that you believe, that belief should transform you, starting with the mind. And after the mind, it’s only natural that your customs, your whole way of life would change. Put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator – Colossians 3:10. No one should remain the same. Strip by strip. Layer after layer, from dark to light. There is no room in which light and dark, love and hate can coexist. And there lies the difference.

The word of God is the ultimate coach. It’s the playbook of all playbooks with the answers to everything. The chosen ones put on. They are the most valuable players. The chosen ones utilize the keys. They fulfill destiny.

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